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L’utilité de ce genre d’institutions est incontestable. Car le monde moderne est sans cesse confronté à des innovations, médicales ou autres, qui s’appliquent à l’homme ou à son environnement proche. Ce lieu est donc nécessaire pour préparer la matière intellectuelle qui sera ensuite transférée aux citoyens afin que ceux- ci puissent se prononcer quant à la légitimité de ces innovations.


Professeur Axel Kahn, le célèbre généticien français, lors de l’inauguration de la Fondation Brocher


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Jocalyn Clark Jocalyn Clark

International Editor - The BMJ
United Kingdom


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Dr Jocalyn Clark is a public health scientist and professional medical journal editor. In August 2022 she was appointed International Editor of The BMJ (British Medical Journal). Previously she was Executive Editor of The Lancet (2016-22) and lead of #LancetWomen to advance women in science, medicine and global health; Executive Editor at the public health research organisation icddr,b in Dhaka, Bangladesh (2013-16); and Senior Editor at PLOS Medicine (2006-13). She serves as a scientific advisor to the INDEPTH Network of health surveillance systems, board member of women’s rights organisations Global Health 50/50 and WomenLift Health, and Chair of the governance council of the CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). A Canadian national, Dr Clark holds a BSc in biochemistry & microbiology, and MSc and PhD in public health sciences (with gender studies), during which she was a Canadian Institutes of Health Research fellow. Dr Clark is an adjunct professor of medicine at the University of Toronto and an elected fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences in recognition of her scholarship and leadership advancing gender equity and the social contexts of health globally.