![]() | Joan McCarthy College Lecturer - University College Cork |
Nursing Ethics: feminist perspectives
Overall aim for the book:
Edit the first collection of papers in healthcare ethics/bioethics that explore the horizon and meaning of feminist lines of thinking for the field of nursing ethics and the nursing profession.
The feminist perspectives are anchored in historical, philosophical, political, educational, anthropological and sociological knowledges. A recapitulation of the history of nursing ethics is essential in order to see what a feminist lens can do for further developments. It can shed light on ethical turns in nursing and situate the necessity for feminist approaches.
Objectives for residence in Brocher Foundation
• To complete a final draft of the manuscript, Nursing Ethics: feminist perspectives, to send to the editor, Barbara Zoehrer, in Springer International Pub., Switzerland
• To develop educational and marketing strategies for the book
• To exchange ideas and network with fellow researchers in the Brocher Foundation
• To deepen our academic partnership and forge plans for future projects
As a College Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, I lecture on both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and supervise MSc, DN and PhD students. I also lead the School Research Group on Healthcare Ethics and End-of-Life Care and I was recently appointed as a Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, UK (2018-2021).
I am a member of the Irish National Advisory Committee on Bioethics, the HSE Advance Health Care Directives Subgroup, the Editorial Board of Nursing Ethics, and the Advisory Board of the International Care Ethics Observatory, University of Surrey, UK.
I have led and collaborated on several national and international research projects funded by e.g. the Irish Hospice Foundation, the Irish Research Council and Wellcome. I was invited, as an expert in healthcare ethics, to address the Irish Citizens’ Assembly in February 2017 on the topic of the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution. I also presented to the Joint Committee on Health and Children (24 October 2013) on End-of-Life Care in Ireland: Ethical Challenges and Solutions.
Sample of publications:
McCarthy J, Donnelly M, Dooley D, Campbell L, Smith D (2011) End-of-Life Care: Ethics and Law. Cork: Cork University Press.
Dooley D, McCarthy J (2012) Nursing Ethics: Irish Cases and Concerns. (2nd ed.) Dublin: Gill and MacMillan.
Peer Reviewed Articles and Chapters
McCarthy J, O’Donnell K, Campbell L, Dooley D (2018) Ethical arguments for access to abortion services in the Republic of Ireland: recent developments in the public discourse. Journal of Medical Ethics, 44: 513-517.
McCarthy J, Campbell L, Dalton C, Andrews T, McLoughlin K (2016) Ethical decision making in end-of-life care and the person with dementia. Irish Hospice Foundation, Dublin.
McCarthy J and Gastmans C (2015) Moral distress: a review of the argument based nursing ethics literature. Nursing Ethics, 22 (1): 131-152.
McCarthy J, Weafer J, Loughrey M (2010) Irish views on death and dying: a national survey. Journal of Medical Ethics, 36: 454-458.
Molloy C, McCarthy J, Tyrrell M (2016) The impact of an end-of-life healthcare ethics educational intervention. Clinical Ethics, 11(1): 28-37.