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L’utilité de ce genre d’institutions est incontestable. Car le monde moderne est sans cesse confronté à des innovations, médicales ou autres, qui s’appliquent à l’homme ou à son environnement proche. Ce lieu est donc nécessaire pour préparer la matière intellectuelle qui sera ensuite transférée aux citoyens afin que ceux- ci puissent se prononcer quant à la légitimité de ces innovations.


Professeur Axel Kahn, le célèbre généticien français, lors de l’inauguration de la Fondation Brocher


Podcasts du Cycle Brocher




Le Cycle Brocher organise de nombreuses conférences au cours de l'année. La plupart des conférences sont disponibles en podcast

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Erin Fuse Brown Erin Fuse Brown

Catherine C. Henson Professor of Law, Director of the Center for Law, Health & Society - Georgia State University College of Law
United States

Erin C. Fuse Brown, J.D., M.P.H., is the Catherine C. Henson Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Law, Health & Society at Georgia State University College of Law. She specializes in health law and policy, and her research focuses on health care markets, consolidation, and cost-control. Fuse Brown has published articles in leading legal, health policy, and medical journals about private equity investment, health care prices, payment reform, medical billing and debt collection, health care competition and consolidation, surprise medical billing, and health reform. She has consulted with NASHP, Milbank Memorial Fund, Catalyst for Payment Reform, and others legal and policy strategies to protect health care consumers, control health care costs, and address health care consolidation. She received a J.D. from Georgetown, an M.P.H. from Johns Hopkins, and a B.A. from Dartmouth College.