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L’utilité de ce genre d’institutions est incontestable. Car le monde moderne est sans cesse confronté à des innovations, médicales ou autres, qui s’appliquent à l’homme ou à son environnement proche. Ce lieu est donc nécessaire pour préparer la matière intellectuelle qui sera ensuite transférée aux citoyens afin que ceux- ci puissent se prononcer quant à la légitimité de ces innovations.


Professeur Axel Kahn, le célèbre généticien français, lors de l’inauguration de la Fondation Brocher


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Anna Berti Suman Anna Berti Suman

MSCA postdoctoral researcher - The European Commission JRC

Droit, Sciences et technologies, Sciences politiques, Sociologie

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Anna Berti Suman is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow and former Dutch Research Council  Fellow at the European Commission Joint Research Centre. Through the project "SensJus", Anna is performing research on the potential of civic monitoring as a source of evidence for environmental litigation and as a tool to foster environmental mediation. 

Anna obtained her PhD on May 8, 2020. Her PhD project aimed at investigating how Citizen Sensing, grassroots-driven monitoring initiatives based on sensor technology, influences the governance of environmental health risk and how the practice can be integrated with institutional models of risk governance through its social and policy uptake. A booklet containing the key findings for building an integrative framework has been just published by Tilburg University Open Press series and can be freely downloaded here