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The Fondation Brocher is an essential player in this vital thinking process: one which will help make us aware of the real challenges in using our resources for maximum impact on the health of the people of the world.



Professor Daniel Wikler, Harvard University


The Brocher Foundation is a Swiss non-profit private foundation  recognized of public interest. Your donations are tax deductible according to the regulations in force.

Three main areas of action

1) Encourage multidisciplinary research on medical development

Human genome, embryos, organ transfers, management of epidemics, aging of populations, health systems and resources allocated to health issues: so many questions in the forefront of the news.

The diversity of health issues at the beginning of the XXIst century requires a multidisciplinary reflexion.  The fast progress of medical research in particular demands continuous updating of health policies and legislation. That is why health policies are a central issue of the development of our society. Multidisciplinary research, as encouraged by the Brocher Foundation, appears to be indispensable for a harmonious balance between marching science, protection and respect of human beings and the wellbeing of society.


 2) Give spending priority to scientific activities.

The statutory aim of the Brocher Foundation, i.e. to «host researchers in the Domain», implies a dual mission; on the one hand the establishment of a scientific reputation that is attractive to researchers and on the other hand the maintenance of a domain of approximately 30’000 m2 and its buildings.
The hosting function requires the setting up of a hotel management system. The staff of the Brocher Foundation ensures that researchers are welcomed in the best conditions alongside  organising the scientific activities.

Within the limits of the wishes of the legatees, all is done to provide a scientific programme at the forefront of present day research. In spite of the heavy cost of maintenance of the property, the Brocher Foundation allocates two thirds of its budget to running its scientific activities.


 3) Provide an international forum of reflexion dedicated to Life Sciences: a project for the future along with the two universities of the Leman region and the EPFL

To join the soaring research in the fields of life science and health in the Leman region, the Brocher Foundation opens its facilities to the experts of its three academic institutions, the Chancellors of which are members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation: the University of Geneva, the EPFL and the University of Lausanne.

The Brocher Foundation thus means to take part in promoting the Leman region research drive in life science to an international level and become a major think tank on the theme «Life Science and society».

To this end, the Brocher Foundation brings forth initiatives to foster dialogue between biologists and doctors in the Leman region and their international colleagues. Exchange of ideas between the latter and Life Science researchers – invited to the Brocher Foundation to reflect on the implications of biotechnological progress for the society – are encouraged in order to allow for a real interface between Life Science and society.