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The Fondation Brocher is an essential player in this vital thinking process: one which will help make us aware of the real challenges in using our resources for maximum impact on the health of the people of the world.



Professor Daniel Wikler, Harvard University


The Brocher Foundation is a Swiss non-profit private foundation  recognized of public interest. Your donations are tax deductible according to the regulations in force.

Purpose of the Brocher Foundation

As the Rockefeller Centre in Bellagio, the Foundation has set ambitious goals for itself to encourage multidisciplinary and intercultural research and contribute to the influence of the International Geneva in the spirit of a bioethics Villa Medicis.


Thanks to its Alumni network, researchers who stayed in the past, it attracts a growing public as demonstrated by the many foreign applications received. Henceforth, the Foundation’s action is acknowledged on all continents as illustrated by research carried out at the Brocher Centre on local as well as international issues.

In addition to the importance granted by the Foundation to experts worldwide, the Brocher Centre benefits from a strong local anchoring by having the Chancellors of the three great Leman region Universities (UniGe, Unil et EPFL) on its Board of Trustees.

The partnership work initiated with NGOs established in the Leman region also enables the researchers to benefit from the knowledge of local experts to advance their work as demonstrated by the strong ties with the WHO, in particular in the form of the « Lunch Seminars WHO/Brocher ».



«The Brocher Foundation is an essential actor in a vital process of reflexion.  The one  that will make us realise what the real challenges are, such as the need to use our health resources in the best way possible for  maximum impact on world population.»

Professor Daniel Wikler, philosopher and ethicist, Professor at Harvard School of Medicine


«This venue is a necessity to brew the intellectual consciousness that will then be transferred to the citizenry to enable it to decide on the legitimacy of these innovations. »

A. Kahn, French ethicist on the occasion of the launching of the Brocher Foundation in 2006