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The Fondation Brocher is an essential player in this vital thinking process: one which will help make us aware of the real challenges in using our resources for maximum impact on the health of the people of the world.



Professor Daniel Wikler, Harvard University


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Zeyuan Wang Zeyuan Wang

Ph.D. candidate - University of Toronto

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Zeyuan Wang is a Ph.D. candidate in Social and Behavioral Health Sciences at the University of Toronto and a graduate fellow in the Culinaria Research Center at the University of Toronto Scarborough. His ancestors are from four different ethnic groups in Central Asia and East Asia (Hakka, Hui, Han, and Sogdian). His previous academic training includes social sciences, biochemistry, nutritional sciences, global health, engineering, and business. His main research focus is traditional and Indigenous food systems and nutrition, using traditional knowledge to adapt to climate change, mixed-method research, breastfeeding behavior, food and spirituality, and social and commercial determinants of health. He is also exploring how to use visual arts for sustainable Indigenous food system education. His doctoral study is on how industrial food marketing and traditional health beliefs influence infant feeding in extremely remote areas in the Philippines. He is collaborating with scholars from the Silk Road countries for the sustainable food system transformation in Southeast Asia and Central Asia. He has fieldwork experience in India, Mexico, Armenia, Tanzania, Kenya, China, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and the Philippines. He has been closely working with international organizations, such as FAO and UNESCO. He is also a junior member of the Task Force on Indigenous and Traditional Food Systems and Nutrition under the International Union of Nutritional Sciences.