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The Fondation Brocher is an essential player in this vital thinking process: one which will help make us aware of the real challenges in using our resources for maximum impact on the health of the people of the world.



Professor Daniel Wikler, Harvard University


The Brocher Foundation is a Swiss non-profit private foundation  recognized of public interest. Your donations are tax deductible according to the regulations in force.


Veronica Mitchell Veronica Mitchell

Research Associate / Facilitator - University of the Western Cape / University of Cape Town
South Africa

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Veronica Mitchell (PhD) is a Research Associate at the University of the Western Cape and a facilitator in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Her physiotherapy background and her experiences in human rights education led to her interest in exploring the medical curriculum and the force it has on students’ becoming. She promotes the production of Open Educational Resources (OER) as a sharing of knowledge for the public good. Her publications include a research blog, authored websites, and journal papers.