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The Fondation Brocher is an essential player in this vital thinking process: one which will help make us aware of the real challenges in using our resources for maximum impact on the health of the people of the world.



Professor Daniel Wikler, Harvard University


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Kristine Onarheim Kristine Onarheim

PhD Candidate - University of Bergen

Bioethics - Medical ethics

LinkedIn profile

Kristine Husøy Onarheim is a medical doctor. She is currently in her final year of her PhD at the Global Health Priorities Research group at the University of Bergen in Norway. Her research focus on priority setting in global health and bioethics, where her previous work has been on children’s health, women’s health and access to medicines. Her PhD project focuses on priority setting and intra-household resource allocation on child health. Using qualitative and ethical analysis, she studies decision making at national, local and family level in Ethiopia. Her PhD thesis draws upon fields ranging from medicine and public health to bioethics, economics, and anthropology.

Dr. Onarheim has been a visiting scientist at Harvard University, USA. Her clinical experience is from work in Norway, Ethiopia and India. She was a member of the Lancet Youth Commission on Essential Medicines Policies and an intern at the World Health Organization.