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Professor Daniel Wikler, Harvard University


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Inge van Nistelrooij Inge van Nistelrooij

Associate Professor - University of Humanistic Studies

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Associate professor Care Ethics and Maternity (Care) researcher at the University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht. She is the coordinator of the Care Ethics Research Consortium ( and co-founder and chair of the research network 'Concerning Maternity'. Her research and education focus upon maternity, maternity care and midwifery, relational and embodied identity, affectivity, ethical deliberation in institutional / professional care, French phenomenology, and self-sacrifice (Inge van Nistelrooij, 'Sacrifice. A Care-Ethical Reappraisal of Sacrifice and Self-Sacrifice' (dissertation, Peeters Leuven, 2015)). Inge is an experienced teacher and trainer in ethics to a wide variety of care professionals in diverse care sectors. Drawing upon these experiences she seeks to inspire care professionals in her popular publications on care ethics as well.
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