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The Fondation Brocher is an essential player in this vital thinking process: one which will help make us aware of the real challenges in using our resources for maximum impact on the health of the people of the world.



Professor Daniel Wikler, Harvard University


The Brocher Foundation is a Swiss non-profit private foundation  recognized of public interest. Your donations are tax deductible according to the regulations in force.


Annelieke Driessen Annelieke Driessen

Research Fellow - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
United Kingdom

LinkedIn profile

Annelieke Driessen is Research Fellow at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Together with Prof. Simon Cohn and Dr. Erica Borgstrom she conducts an ethnographic research on the ways in which not intervening is an active and central component of good clinical care. She is currently conducting fieldwork with two palliative care teams in an NHS hospital in the UK.

Annelieke's PhD research, based on fourteen months of participant observation in three Dutch nursing homes for people with dementia, focused on ow ways of living well with dementia are brought about in care interactions among people, and between people and their physical environment. In her work, Annelieke is concerned with practices in which residents and care workers seek to come to an 'aligned wanting' as part of good care; practices in which pleasure in the daily care activities in the nursing home is sought and brought about, and what this may teach us about life with dementia; practices of food provision and the kinds of knowledge that these require and give rise to; and the interaction between built environments and a building's users, and how possibilities of action shape what living with dementia may come to be. This research was conducted as part of the Anthroplogy of Care research group.

During her Brocher residency in 2017, Annelieke was part of an interdisciplinary team with Dr. Shannon Spruit, Sicco de Knecht and Esther van Duin exploring what responsible labeling may look like with regard to various settings in which the Schizophrenia label is used. The project seeks to highlight ethical tensions, and ways in which people deal with these tensions. In doing so, it seeks to engage with the debate on how labeling is done, and how it may be done better.