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The Fondation Brocher is an essential player in this vital thinking process: one which will help make us aware of the real challenges in using our resources for maximum impact on the health of the people of the world.



Professor Daniel Wikler, Harvard University


The Brocher Foundation is a Swiss non-profit private foundation  recognized of public interest. Your donations are tax deductible according to the regulations in force.


July 6 - 7, 2015

Between Policy and Practice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Equitable Access to Health Care.

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Please see the attached document titled, "Brocher Symposium Preliminary Program & Invited Speakers, Nov. 7, 2014" in the Program PDF area.


The use of infertility health care—known as Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)—in the EU has grown dramatically in the last 20 years, and is expected to rise further as a result of fertility decline and population aging trends. Yet, the EU represents a highly uneven policy landscape for ARTs, due to diverse social, political, economic, and religious traditions of member states. This includes both policies that regulate the ART procedures, as well as policies that define the degree to which these health services are state subsidized. The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology established guidelines for best clinical practices in the area of ARTs, which have been adopted in some, but not other, European nations. Consequently, access to ART care is highly unequal across and within nations, and often favors the wealthy strata of populations. Furthermore, inadequate (or lack of) regulation in some nations means that standards of care vary and there is little assurance that protocols for treatment are evidence-based or monitored. ART regulation across member states is increasingly relevant for the EU, raising new and complex policy and health care utilization questions about equality of access to healthcare and patient safety concerns.


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2015-07-06 - 2015-07-07

Between Policy and Practice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Equitable Access to Health Care.

Registration fee: 150 CHF (or 145 euros)



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